Searching for peace? Listening for the still, small voice of God in a noisy world
There’s a grotto on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land where you can visit the cave in which Elijah once took shelter during a fierce storm.
There’s a grotto on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land where you can visit the cave in which Elijah once took shelter during a fierce storm.
For many people, even those of deep faith, lingering anxiety remains one of the more sinister aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I left the house that Saturday morning in plenty of time to make the 30-minute drive to my class.
It’s been less than two weeks since Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix issued an Apostolic Exhortation on the Eucharist, but the treasure contained therein is already having an impact.
What we’ve always considered to be true and the actual truth aren’t necessarily the same thing.
That lesson was brought home to me last week when a relative sent me a document detailing the list of passengers from Ireland who set sail for America in April of 1848.