Evangelizing the World, One Story at a Time
I was raised on stories — the ones my parents told and the ones I read on my own as I got older. I’ve been a voracious reader ever since the Sisters of Charity taught me to treasure reading. A beloved biography of St. Therese of Lisieux for young readers still sits on the shelf in my home library. This one little tome pierced my heart and pointed me to Jesus at the tender age of 8.
And that’s the power of good storytelling when it’s done on behalf of the Gospel: to turn hearts and minds to Jesus Christ our Savior. I pray that’s what my articles, blog posts and books will do — stir up, ignite and deepen faith in Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
The Coronel Family

How I Became an Author
I’d been writing for The Catholic Sun for years, but when I stumbled on an amazing story of faith, I knew it was much bigger than just one article.
That’s how an apostolate of building solidarity with the persecuted Christians of Iraq and my first novel, “A Martyr’s Crown” were born. “Cry of Nineveh,” a second novel, was released November 18, 2016.