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Where do we go from here, pro-lifers?

by | Nov 7, 2020

This is where we need to not lose focus.

For all of us who are passionate about protecting the sanctity of human life, we just had our political backsides whopped. (Yes, I know, all the reports of irregularities, etc.. But still.) Those who enthusiastically applaud the right to tear up tiny babies’ bodies via abortion have scored a victory.

It’s hollow.

You heard me. Hollow.

Let’s keep our eyes on the prize, shall we? Jesus Christ has already defeated sin and death. You and I are pilgrims in a foreign land, in exile, really, until that day when God calls us home. We’re on the winning team — God’s.

Yes, we have to continue to battle the enemy who has worked since the dawn of creation to deceive, defile and destroy. We don’t fight on our own strength, but we put on the armor of God.

You know what I think? I think if every veteran-of-the-sexual-revolution-turned-Christian would sincerely and humbly share with others the true freedom they found in Christ, we would begin to see a shift.

If we began telling others that God’s abhorrence of sexual sin is not because He likes to boss us around and make arbitrary rules but rather because He loves us and wants us to be truly free, we would begin to see a shift.

I think if more women spoke from the heart of the profound grief abortion has caused in their lives and how God forgave and healed them, we would begin to see a shift.

I think if men owned up to their cowardice in encouraging their girlfriends and wives to have abortions and then were honest about the destruction it wrought in their lives, we would begin to see a shift.

I think if medical students and doctors and nurses refused to do abortions, we would begin to see a shift.

What this country needs is deep conversion to Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We find Him when we humble ourselves.

When we become His followers, it is only natural that we rise to defend the defenseless. Surely some of the most defenseless among us are the tiny unborn babies hidden in their mothers’ wombs.

I grew up in the prolife movement but probably the most impactful experience for me with regard to defending life came during my twenties when I worked as a paralegal. Our firm took on a case against an abortionist. At 24, I had just found out my husband and I were expecting our first child. As the case developed, it was time to gather testimony of the doctors and various others involved in the lawsuit. I sat there horrified listening to the doctor’s testimony in the case. He described how he performed the abortion and how afterward, he reassembled all the body parts one by one: two arms, two legs, a head and a torso. I sat there shaking.

This is the evil of abortion unmasked: the ripping apart of human flesh all because we are bigger and stronger and want our way. We cover it up under the guise of “reproductive rights” and ignore the implications.

Abortion is a crime against humanity and yet we have grown apathetic and even complicit. We tell ourselves that it’s OK to vote for politicians who champion this killing because, well, we like their views on other things like immigration or the environment or health care.

If every single person who knows abortion is wrong were to stand up and faithfully, financially support pro-life pregnancy centers (there are LOTS of them), I’m convinced that abortion numbers would plummet. Not many women are eager to have an abortion. What women need is support: financial, medical, emotional and spiritual.

What America needs is conversion of heart. Let us beg our Lord for the grace to be humbled and to trust in Him. Let us implore Him for our country and a return to reverence and respect for human life.

Focus. On Him.

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