I looked up from the pages of the book I was engrossed in at the sound: My husband of nearly 40 years was sitting at the kitchen table drumming his fingers steadily.
“I know that sound,” I told him with a smirk. “That’s the sound you make when there’s something that needs doing, something you’d rather not have to do, BUT you’re going to get up and do it anyway. Because that’s just how you roll.” He laughed, knowing I had read his mind. At this point in our journey, I know his “tells” and he knows mine.
On that particular day, it turned out to be a problematic toilet in the kids’ bathroom — not exactly most people’s favorite DIY task. Later that day, as I smiled at the memory of our playful bantering, it got me thinking.
For two people who started out in life as pretty much opposite personality types, we have miraculously become one, just as Jesus says of marriage in the Gospel (Mark 10:8-9 and Matthew 19:5). After so many seasons together, we’ve learned to read each other’s thoughts, moods and modes of operation.
And here’s the thing: God wants that kind of intimate relationship with us. It won’t happen without us consciously choosing it though. Just as in marriage, daily time with the Lord will help us learn who He is, how He moves, how He operates in our world. What He prefers, what He longs for, what He esteems — the knowledge of this comes through time spent at His feet, listening attentively.
If we do that, we’re much less likely to get swept away by an increasingly secularized culture that frowns at the unique call of the Gospel to repent of our sins and be reconciled to God, a Gospel that tells us to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us. How often have we let the strident voices of the culture, of social media and entertainment form our views?
One great way to stay close to God and not be swayed by forces inimical to Christianity is to be rooted in the Word of God. Jesus tells us plainly: “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples (John 8:32).”
We have a great gift from our Catholic faith that helps us remain in the Word of God: the Gospel passage assigned to each day of the year. You can find today’s readings here and sign up to receive them every day in your inbox. What a great way to start the new year!
If you invest 10 minutes a day in pondering and praying through the Gospel, you’ll find yourself better able to hear the voice of God guiding you as you go about your life in the world. Here’s a resource that walks you through how to pray through Scripture on a deeper level. Doing this each morning can truly be life-changing.
And, if you’d like to immerse yourself in God’s Word with a group of friends, check out Christ in Our Neighborhood, a wonderful way to gather with friends and family and share the Good News.
Maybe you’ve got troubles at home, troubles at work, anxieties about the future. You don’t have to wonder about the solutions. You can find wisdom, guidance and comfort in Jesus and in His Word. He wants to draw near to you. The question is, will you make room for Him?