Catholic priest
Martyred for the faith
Fr. Ragheed Ganni, pray for us!
Come to an inspiring presentation by longtime Catholic Sun columnist Joyce Coronel and learn about this holy Chaldean Catholic priest, Fr. Ragheed Ganni, martyred in Iraq for the faith. His cousin, Msgr. Felix Shabi, is Corbishop of the Chaldean Catholic Vicariate of Arizona.
You’ll learn about the vibrant faith of what has come to be known as “The Church of Martyrs” as well as the heartbreaking struggles of the Chaldean (Eastern Rite) Catholics, many of whom live right here among us in Phoenix.
More than half the Christian population has left Iraq since 2003, fleeing violence and growing persecution. Fr. Ganni was killed along with three deacons by those who vow to eradicate Christianity from the Middle East.
This presentation is for all those concerned about our Catholic faith, justice, religious liberty and the dignity of human life.
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