Ever pick up the latest best seller and think to yourself, “Now, why can’t they tell a good story without all the trash?”
Not some syrupy-sweet thing—something that’s real and that builds faith rather than tearing it down.
I guess trash sells. “Fifty Shades of Gray,” dubbed “mommy porn” by some, has sold more than 30 million copies, which really is a very sad commentary on our society.
Still, there are authors out there who are telling good stories in a way that inspires rather than degrades. It’s a David-versus-Goliath kind of battle going on out there, but just remember who won that battle! God was on the little guy’s side. And He is definitely on the side of writers who want to draw souls closer to Him through compelling, believable stories.
Michael O’Brien, who wrote “Father Elijah” and so many other great books, is an example of a contemporary author that does that and does it beautifully.
Sherry Boas, with her “Lily Trilogy” and “Wing Tip” is another.
After stumbling on the story of the Chaldeans back in 2010, God poured out so many blessings on my life that I felt compelled to write “A Martyr’s Crown.” I’ve been a journalist for years, but this is easily the most amazing story I’ve ever come across and I wanted to share it with the world in a new way.
I was deeply moved by the steadfast faith of the Chaldeans in spite of 2,000 years of persecution. Ottomans, Turks, Persians, Mongols, and more recently, jihadists, have all tried to stomp out the light of the faith in the region once known as Mesopotamia. I’m talking about Iraq.
About half of the Christian population of Iraq has left since 2003 due to the ongoing violence and persecution. The Chaldeans live throughout the United States, though the largest concentrations are in California, Michigan and Arizona.
Others live in places like Australia, Canada, France and Belgium. They carry their traditions with them.
The language of their liturgy is Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Apostles.
Want to learn a little modern-day Chadlean?
“Shlama.” That’s how you say “hello” or “peace.”
“Shlama amkohn” is how the priest says,“Peace be with you.“
The congregation responds, “Ahmak wam ruhak,” meaning “With you and with your spirit.”
Try it!
Three of my favorites: Little Women, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and FR&W against Jihadism